Book called the rent collector free download.[ PDF] The Rent Collector ebook | Download and Read Online For Free

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Return to Book Page. They make their living scavenging recyclables from the trash. Life would be hard enough without the worry for their chronically ill child, Nisay, and the added expense of medicines that are not working.

Just when things seem worst, Sang Ly learns a secret about the bad-tempered rent collector who comes demanding money--a secret that sets in motion a tide that will change the life of everyone it sweeps past. The Rent Collector is a story of hope, of one woman's journey to save her son and another woman's chance at redemption. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. Published September by Shadow Mountain first published August 24th More Details Utah Book Award Nominee for Fiction Other Editions Friend Reviews.

To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Rent Collectorplease sign up. What is the profanity like in this book? Heather I think I may have seen one mild obscenity. So VERY little. Is this Fiction or Non-Fiction?

Camron Wright It's fiction, but inspired by the modern day journey of Sang Ly, a real person who lived in the Stungmean Chey dump in Cambodia. See all 17 questions about The Rent Collector…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews.

Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of The Rent Collector. Apr 12, Kristy Robertson rated it it was ok. I honestly do not know if I will finish this book.

The premise is really intriguing, but the voice of the character is so out of place it is distracting. The main character speaks like a sassy,educated, middle-aged soccer mom from suburbia, not a destitute woman who has grown up and lived her life in the dumps of Cambodia.

I am a bit mystified by the rave reviews this book has gotten. Jun 23, Ahmad Sharabiani rated book called the rent collector free download really liked it Shelves: historical20th-centuryfictionadult. Under threat of eviction by an embittered old drunk who is charged with collecting rents from the poor of Stung Meanchey, Sang Ly embarks on a desperate journey to save her ailing son from a life of ignorance and poverty.

View 2 comments. Aug 02, Mary rated it it was ok. I felt like I was reading the words of an outsider, somebody trying to Americanize what should have been a Cambodian story. The whole experience felt book called the rent collector free download. They would not have been like, "Oh, so she was a good person after all? Well then, let me readjust the opinion I had formed book called the rent collector free download her based on years of experience just because you say that she was actually wonderful.

All is well in garbage land! While I'm sure that Sang Ly would have definitely wanted people to know the truth about Sopeap, that was a terrible and cheesy way to go about it. I also think that throwing in a dead baby was a cheap shot.

A book isn't good just because it gives you feelings, and who doesn't have feelings when a baby is brutally murdered by a communist regime?

Their experience didn't need to be artificially enhanced in order for it to be meaningful. View all 10 comments. Oct 01, Barbara Deer rated it it was book called the rent collector free download. Simply put, this book is a jewel. Another reviewer described it as "cleansing", and I completely agree.

Camron Wright book called the rent collector free download Yann Martel's The Life of Pi as one of his favorites and I like that Wright says he's not smart enough to be a literature snob, hehand the style is similar, the prose elegant and simple. The book is fiction, but inspired by Wright's son's time in Cambodia filming a documentary. I am, somewhat to my own dismay, only cursorily familiar with Cambodia and its terrible struggl Simply put, this book is a jewel.

I am, somewhat to my own dismay, only cursorily familiar with Cambodia and its terrible struggles, but the setting was in no way inaccessible to me - it was lovely and heartbreaking and well-drawn and real. The first-person, present-tense writing kept me constantly engaged as a reader. The characterizations are subtle book called the rent collector free download full, and ugh, I feel like I should have some criticism, but I don't.

This book could be an explanation of why I love reading, and why it's important. Read it if you are tired of hopelessness in fiction. Read it if you believe in redemption. Read it if you love beautiful language. Read it if you love classics of literature, poetry and fable. Read it with your head, but understand it with your heart a paraphrase from the book. View all 5 comments. Sep 13, Snotchocheez rated it really liked book called the rent collector free download.

Each time I'd see this at the library I'd kinda wince a little, after realizing the cover art and photos in the back of this novel are all pictures taken by the author's son from a documentary he filmed. It's like, I just couldn't bring myself to read an author's fictional work that he himself hadn't felt secure enough with his own words not to embellish them with real photos. My interest, though, in Cambodia, strengthened a few decades back by the mesmerizing, can't-miss movie The Killing Fie Each time I'd see this at the library I'd kinda wince a little, after realizing the cover art and photos in the back of this novel are all pictures taken by the author's son from a documentary he filmed.

My interest, though, in Cambodia, strengthened a few decades back by the mesmerizing, can't-miss movie The Killing Fields about the savagery perpetrated by the Khmer Rouge in the 's-'80s led me back to The Rent Collector along with its stratospheric GR reader average. I'm pretty glad I gave it a try, despite my initial misgivings.

As you can readily intuit from the hauntingly picturesque cover, this takes place almost exclusively in a garbage dump specifically, the largest garbage dump in Cambodia, Stung Meanchey, where thousands of folks both live and make their living--if one could call it that--sifting through the country's detritus.

He takes real-life dump dwellers Sang Ly and Ki Lim, trying to eke out an existence with their book called the rent collector free download ill son, Nisay, and creates a story of hope that somehow involves their ill-tempered rent collector, a mean and nasty, rice wine-addled wretch of book called the rent collector free download woman named Sopeap Sin.

Sang Ly, desperate for a way out of the dump life, worms her way into Sopeap's good graces when she asks Sopeap a fallen university professor, we learn to teach her to read. Though the story is a tad predictable, and more than a little sappy, it's bound to draw forth a tear or two or twenty. It's one of those frighteningly bleak stories that endeavor to find the silver lining in the cesspool. You can scoff at the transparency of Wright's intent, or you can go along with it and savor. I chose the latter, and enjoyed this.

You just might, too. View all 14 comments. I remember reading a review of this book and thinking book called the rent collector free download sounded fascinating. But for some reason, it just fell flat for me.

While I could feel sympathy for the characters, I couldn't connect with them. They seemed less than three dimensional. Sang Ly dreams of learning to read. She believes being able to read will help her family move up from the dump and her son will be able to get healthy. Sopeap, the rent collector of the title, is a drunk. Formerly a university professor, she was the only c I remember reading a review of this book and thinking it sounded fascinating.

Formerly a university professor, she was the only character that came close to ringing true. Maybe because if I lived in a dump, I'd certainly have taken to drink as well. She takes on the task of teaching Sang Ly to read.

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    Nov 19,  · Download The Rent Collector Books now! Available in PDF, EPUB, Mobi Format. Sang Ly struggles to survive by picking through garbage in Cambodia's largest municipal dump. The Rent Collector Pdf free. download full. The Rent Collector is a story of hope, of one woman's journey to save her son and another woman's chance at redemption. It.

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