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Aug 17,  · Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB, CB or CBB. by PU on Aug 16, at UTC. Windows 1. Next: Setting up The help desk software for IT. Free. Do you download the CBB version of the same place as the LTSB? If so I can't find it.

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    Windows 10 CB vs LTSB. Hi, LTSB has no store and no edge. sounds wonderful for enterprise until you realize that there's no support for new silicon. the short release cycles of current branch are a challenge, but not for whom we thought. our app teams are .

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    May 05,  · We are currently licensed for Windows 10 Enterprise CB, CBB, and LTSB. A lot of our desktop management is handled outside of the facility through a contracted company. They provide us with Group Policy, Update Management, Anti-Virus, and some other features. It is a bit of a weird setup, but it is the best for us for now, and we are not likely. Aug 17,  · Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB, CB or CBB. by PU on Aug 16, at UTC. Windows 1. Next: Setting up The help desk software for IT. Free. Do you download the CBB version of the same place as the LTSB? If so I can't find it.

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