Windows 10 home naar pro upgraden free download.Upgrade Windows 10 Home to Windows 10 Pro

In dit artikel worden de stappen beschreven die u moet uitvoeren als u uw apparaat wilt upgraden van Windows 11 Home naar Windows 11 Pro. Boven aan de activeringspagina ziet u de editie: Home of Pro.

U ziet ook of u bent geactiveerd onder Windows 10 home naar pro upgraden free download. Activeringsinstellingen openen.

Belangrijk: De volgende stappen zijn alleen van toepassing op apparaten die momenteel een geactiveerde kopie van Windows 11 Home. Als u niet bent geactiveerd, raden we u aan eerst Windows 11 Home te activeren. Zie Activeren Windows voor meer informatie. Controleer eerst of u een Windows Pro productcode hebt.

Zie Uw Windows-productcode zoeken voor meer informatie. Volg vervolgens de stappen die van toepassing zijn op uw productcodescenario. Selecteer Productcode wijzigen en voer vervolgens de Windows 11 Pro productcode van 25 tekens in. Selecteer onder Upgrade uw editie van Windows de optie Store openen. Nadat u uw aankoop hebt bevestigd, wordt u gevraagd om uw Windows 11 Pro te installeren en uw pc opnieuw op te starten.

U gebruikt dan Windows 11 Pro. Hulp bij activeringsfouten voor Windows. Windows activeren. In dit artikel worden de stappen beschreven die u moet uitvoeren als u uw apparaat wilt upgraden van Windows 10 Home naar Windows 10 Pro. Belangrijk: De volgende stappen windows 10 home naar pro upgraden free download alleen van toepassing op apparaten met een geactiveerde kopie van Windows 10 Home. Als u niet bent geactiveerd, raden we u aan eerst Windows 10 Home activeren.

Selecteer onder Upgrade uw editie van Windows de optie Productcode wijzigen. Selecteer onder Uw versie van Windows upgraden de optie Ga naar de Store. Nadat u uw aankoop hebt bevestigd, wordt u gevraagd om Windows 10 Pro te installeren en uw pc opnieuw op te starten. U gebruikt dan Windows 10 Pro. Windows 11 Windows 10 Meer Activeringsinstellingen openen Belangrijk: De volgende stappen zijn alleen van toepassing op apparaten die momenteel een geactiveerde kopie van Windows 11 Home.

Activeringsinstellingen openen Belangrijk: De volgende stappen zijn alleen van toepassing op apparaten met een geactiveerde kopie van Windows 10 Home. Meer hulp nodig? Deelnemen aan het gesprek. Ondersteuning krijgen. Was deze informatie nuttig? Ja Nee. Dank u! Nog meer feedback? Hoe meer u ons vertelt, hoe beter we u kunnen helpen.

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Komt niet overeen met mijn scherm. Onjuiste instructies. Te technisch. Onvoldoende informatie. Onvoldoende afbeeldingen. Hebt u aanvullende feedback? Feedback verzenden. Bedankt voor uw feedback. - Windows 10 home naar pro upgraden free download

If you entered your Windows 10 Pro code after clicking Change product code , you don't have to do anything else. Windows 10 will transform to the Pro version in the background. Keep in mind that this might take a while.

After the update has completed, your laptop or computer will restart itself. Now, all you have to do is log in to fully enjoy all the extras Windows 10 Pro has to offer. Business Stores Customer Service. Written by Jan 17 September Hoe upgrade je van Windows 10 Home naar Windows 10 Pro? You have a laptop or computer with Windows 10 Home and would like to upgrade to Windows 10 Pro.

I'll explain how to this below. Settings Upgrade Finally. Step 1: open settings. Next, click Settings , which you can recognize by the gear icon. Select Update and security. Select Activate in the left menu. Need a new PC now? There are some Windows 10 PCs that can upgrade for free when Windows 11 rolls out. Subscribe to our newsletter so you can stay informed with the latest information about Windows If so, you can get a free upgrade when it rolls out.

Your PC meets the minimum hardware requirements and is eligible for a free upgrade when it rolls out. Your PC did not meet the needed requirements. You can continue to get Windows 10 updates 5 6 , or you can shop for a new Windows 10 PC that does meet the requirements. Certain features require specific hardware, see detailed system requirements. Expand All Collapse All. Windows 11 has all the power and security of Windows 10 with a redesigned and refreshed look.

It also comes with new tools, sounds, and apps. Every detail has been considered. All of it comes together to bring you a refreshing experience on your PC. When can I buy a PC that comes with Windows 11 pre-installed?

PCs with Windows 11 pre-installed will be available later this year. It depends! Many different manufacturers will offer a variety of devices that will run Windows 11, all at different price points. PCs that come with Windows 11 pre-installed will be available from a broad selection of retailers later this year.

Details to come. If your accessories worked with Windows 10 and meet the Windows 11 requirements, they should work with Windows If you want to be sure, please check with your accessory manufacturer. I want to buy a PC now, will I be able to install Windows 11 later? Most Windows 10 PCs currently being sold will be able to upgrade to Windows For the PC to be able to upgrade to Windows 11, it must meet the minimum hardware specifications and specific hardware is required for some features.

The upgrade rollout plan is still being finalized but is scheduled to begin late in and continue into Specific timing will vary by device. How do I know if a new Windows 10 PC meets the minimum requirements? There are a few ways to find out. You can also ask your retail sales professional to confirm. When will I be able to upgrade to Windows 11 on my Windows 10 device? If your existing Windows 10 PC is running the most current version of Windows 10 and meets the minimum hardware specifications it will be able to upgrade to Windows The upgrade rollout plan is still being finalized, but for most devices already in use today, we expect it to be ready sometime in early Not all Windows 10 PCs that are eligible to upgrade to Windows 11 will be offered to upgrade at the same time.

The minimum hardware requirements are available here. Can I stay on Windows 10? Windows 10 continues to be a great version of Windows.

We have committed to supporting Windows 10 through October 14, How will I know when the upgrade is available for my Windows 10 PC? Upgrades to Windows 11 will begin to roll out late in and continue into During this time, we will be doing some behind-the-scenes testing and validating for your specific PC.

Windows Update will provide an indication if and when your PC is eligible. How much does it cost to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11? But only Windows 10 PCs that are running the most current version of Windows 10 and meet the minimum hardware specifications will be able to upgrade.

An update can consist of bug and security fixes and new features in a version of Windows. They tend to roll out throughout the year. An upgrade is when you change versions—for example, moving from Windows 10 to Windows 11, or moving editions from Windows Home to Windows Pro. The free upgrade offer does not have a specific end date for eligible systems. However, Microsoft reserves the right to eventually end support for the free offer. This end date will be no sooner than one year from general availability.

You do not have to upgrade to Windows We will continue to support Windows 10 until October 14, Does Windows 11 take up more space on my PC than Windows 10? Windows 11 and Windows 10 require approximately the same amount of disk space. During the upgrade process, however, extra space is required. Windows will clean up this extra disk space about 10 days after the upgrade is complete. Windows 11 is the newest version of Windows. However, we will continue to support Windows 10 until October By default, all your files and data will transfer.

However, we recommend backing up your files before installation.

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