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Okay let's try this. First, on the one day tasks that show the strange finish time, set the task as Start-no-earlier-than with the current start date as the constraint and then remove any predecessors. Does the finish still extend to the next day? If it does not then re-establish the link and remove the constraint. Does the finish time stay or does it move back to the next day?

If setting the constraint and removing the link makes no difference or the extended finish time returns after re-establishing the link, save the file as XML. Then re-open the XML file in Project. Note, you will lose any custom formatting with this process. Does the file still show extended finish times? If it does, would you be able to send me the file?

When I follow your instructions to set the task as "Start-no-earlier-than," use the current start date as the constraint, and then remove the dependencies, the finish no longer extends into the next day.

However, as soon as I re-establish the link the task end date flows back into the start of the next day. I saved the file as XML and re-opened in Project but the problem still exists.

I've made all task names generic to remove any potentially proprietary information but all other settings remain the same. What's the best way to send this to you? It's quite apparent the predecessor is causing the issue but I'd like to look at the file to give you a full assessment.

You can send it to my address below. I will ask some questions. May I assume you have no dates later than Dec 31, ? I am getting the same issue as Nicole above, however I am scheduling from start to finish. Do you know if there are any other reasons why this would be occurring. I have still got my days finishing a day after their allocated 1 day duration.

I have no resources allocated, and everything I've entered is in days. Sure, send your file to me at the address I posted in an earlier response to the thread. Again, I will ask some questions. Office Office Exchange Server.

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Remove From My Forums. Answered by:. Archived Forums. Sign in to vote. I'm using Project and am having troubles with one day tasks. When I schedule a one day task manually, it starts at 8am and finishes at 5pm the same day, however when I auto-schedule tasks a one day task starts at 8am and finishes at 8am the next day so it appears the tasks span two days.

I need all one day tasks to start and finish on the same day. Monday, April 23, PM. Nicole and others who may be interested in this thread, Nicole sent me her file and once I saw it, the answer to her issue wasn't something I had thought about before but it has to do with the subtle nature of a start-to-finish type link. Hope this helps and I hope I've explained it in an understandable manner.

Thursday, April 26, PM. Nic, What is your Project Start date and time? What is your Project calendar? Do you have resources assigned to the one-day task? If resources are assigned, what is the resource Base Calendar? Hi John, Thanks for taking a look at this! Nicole, Create a new file with two tasks as shown. Hi John, I see exactly what you have, only for "Task a" I have to enter a duration of 1 day so the "? The hours of 8am-5pm appear for both tasks.

The Tek-Tips staff will check this out and take appropriate action. Click Here to join Tek-Tips and talk with other members! Already a Member? Join your peers on the Internet's largest technical computer professional community. It's easy to join and it's free. Register now while it's still free! Already a member?

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Hi, Looking for some help. When I enter a task that has one days duration into project. It spans two two days in MS project. That is although task is only one day duration it starts on day 1 and finishes on day 2. For tasks longer than one days duration one exra day is added to the span.

That is if their is a five day task and it starts on day one it will finish on day six. Is their a flag or setting I can change to avoid this. You've probably changed something else and haven't passed that information along. Second: Tools Options Calendar-tab and reset "Hours per day" back to 8, Hours per week back to 40, and Days per month back to I don't believe this will change existing tasks and they will continue to show the apparent anomaly you describe above.

Now, enter new tasks and report back. I'm tagging on to this problem with the question, how can you fix the problem.

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    I am ready to help you, set questions. Together we can find the decision.

    duration in days. For example, a task entered as a 3-day duration and assigned a hour per day calendar will be displayed in the bar chart as 1-day elapsed duration. This bar chart duration is 1/3 of the duration value since each day is an 8-hour equivalent on a hour calendar and the output is not logical. See Task 1 below. Dec 15,  · As shown in the attached image, for the task name - Define, the duration is One day and it is showing a start date of 01/03/16 & 02/03/16 as finish date. Ok fine. In the Task Usage sheet - the work has been divided into 2 days with 4h work in each day.

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    duration in days. For example, a task entered as a 3-day duration and assigned a hour per day calendar will be displayed in the bar chart as 1-day elapsed duration. This bar chart duration is 1/3 of the duration value since each day is an 8-hour equivalent on a hour calendar and the output is not logical. See Task 1 below.

    Curiously, and the analogue is?

    Dec 15,  · As shown in the attached image, for the task name - Define, the duration is One day and it is showing a start date of 01/03/16 & 02/03/16 as finish date. Ok fine. In the Task Usage sheet - the work has been divided into 2 days with 4h work in each day. Apr 22,  · I'm using Project and am having troubles with one day tasks. When I schedule a one day task manually, it starts at 8am and finishes at 5pm the same day, however when I auto-schedule tasks a one day task starts at 8am and finishes at 8am the next day so it .

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