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The interface in MCG has been revised to a new node naming scheme. Note: The MaxScript code in the looping examples below only illustrates the behavior of the operators, and is not a direct translation of the implementation of those MCG operators. In fact, MCG graphs compile down to. NET bytecode, which in most cases runs faster than MaxScript.

The Count operator returns the number of items in the array. If you want to generate an array of random values, use the graph construction below, which makes use of the ArrayOfFunction operator. Use the Concatenate operator on two arrays to join them into a single array. In autodesk 3ds max 2018 book free download cases, the Range operator can act as a starting point in your graph to guide the overall behavior of your tool such as the number of iterations, the number of objects to scatter, etc.

For example, we used the Range operator to drive the number of stairs in our Staircase building tool. When you connect them to a Map, these operators can be used to generate an array of proportional samples. Map is one of the most fundamental operators in MCG.

We covered it in our very first blog post to explain the function connector. It iterates over all the items in an array, and it returns a new array of transformed values based on the function you provide.

The Indices operator creates an array containing all the valid indices of a given array. This means that the first item in an MCG array is indexed at 0 instead of at 1. Note that we can achieve the same result as the graph above by connecting a Count operator to a Range operator. The Filter operator iterates over an array, and only keeps the items which fulfill the given condition function. The At operator returns the value at the specified index in the array.

The Combine operator acts like the Map operator, but requires two arrays instead of one. Each pair of items between these arrays is applied to the given function to produce a new array of values. Keep in mind that the function you define for the Combine operator must expose two arguments i. Furthermore, the order of these arguments must match the order in which the arrays are connected into the Combine node. Begin your traversal at the end of the function, and continuously visit the incoming nodes prioritizing depth first i.

The order in which you encounter the unconnected connectors corresponds to the argument order of the function. Autodesk 3ds max 2018 book free download your traversal, ignore the arguments you have already discovered.

Likewise, the type of the second array IArray would not match the type of the second argument Single. As an alternative, you can emulate an index-based for loop to access items in your arrays.

To do this, use the Indices, Map and At operators as follows:. You can then use a Map to transform each Tuple2. Use the PairItem1 and PairItem2 operators to obtain the contents of the Tuple2, and continue your work from there.

Ultimately, the choice between Combine, ZipToTuple, or indexed for loops depends on your personal preference, with the caveat that in some corner cases, an indexed for loop might cause unexpected subgraph re-evaluations, which can be slower than the other alternatives.

The GenerateN operator creates an array of a fixed size by repeating the same function on the current value to generate the next value in the array. In the Horns and Transforms tutorialwe showed how to use the GenerateN operator to construct an evolving array of transformation matrices to define the shape of the horn.

The Generate operator is very similar to GenerateN, with the exception that it stops building the array when the supplied condition function returns False. In the example below, the Generate operator will autodesk 3ds max 2018 book free download building the autodesk 3ds max 2018 book free download as long as the current value is less than The function you connect to the Aggregate must expose two arguments.

The Aggregate operator can also be used to implement a Partial Sum array, whereby each item in the Partial Sum array corresponds to the sum of the items up to that point in the original array. This can be useful to keep autodesk 3ds max 2018 book free download of the current distance at each point along a path. In this case, the accumulated value is actually a growing array, to which we append the latest computed value.

For example, we required the Flatten operator in the Horns and Transforms tutorial to flatten the nested autodesk 3ds max 2018 book free download of points into one continuous array of points for the QuadMeshStrip operator. At first glance, the Repeat operator may seem like the closest implementation of a for loop. To illustrate this point, we translated the following MaxScript code containing a standard for loop using the Repeat operator, and alternatively using the Map operator.

The While operator acts like the Generate operator, however it does not necessarily generate an array, and acts much like a general-purpose while loop. This will run the MCG array test cases we built for this tutorial, and will print the results to the Listener. Create Account. Sign In. Fake or Foto. Upload your work. Graphs Compounds Textures 3D models Shaders. Base meshes Stamps Plugins Stencils.

Your career in 3D. The 3ds Max Blog. Like 1. Liked 1. GenerateN The GenerateN operator creates an array of a fixed size by repeating the same function on the current value to generate the next value in the array. Posted By. Martin Ashton.

Published In. Blog - The 3ds Max Blog. To post a comment please login or register. Vu Nguyen 5 years ago. I'm so sorry I deleted my orig post I autodesk 3ds max 2018 book free download didn't wanna be ridiculed, is all.

Save Comment. Martin Ashton 5 years ago. Good question Vusta! You're right, it actually skips the first iteration. It simply appends the initial value to the result and does not compute the next value unnecessarily.

I'll amend the code snippet autodesk 3ds max 2018 book free download reflect that. Good eye!

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