Windows 10 home start button not working free download.Windows 10 Start Menu Not Working (Solved)

Windows 10 home start button not working free download.Windows 10 start button not working - Microsoft Community

TechLila Windows 10 home start button not working free download Windows. What do you do if you have issues with your Windows 10 Start menu not working? You press the Windows Start button, but find the Windows 10 Start bar not working? What if Cortana is not behaving? This is not uncommon, and many others have the same problem that you have: whether the Windows 10 Start bar is not working or the keyboard Windows button is not working Windows Please note that Cortana is not available in all countries or geographical areas.

If your problem is with Cortana then check that out first. Make sure it should be available in your geographical area. We have several fixes for this, and which works for you will depend upon the reason for the Windows 10 Start menu not working. Create a System Restore Point that will return your system to its original position should anything go wrong. There are several potential reasons for your Windows 10 Start menu not working as it should.

We shall provide with windows 10 home start button not working free download for each of these, but if they fail to work for you, then contact us for further help. An obvious thing to do is to log out of your account and log in again.

To do this:. At one time this would have rebooted your computer. With Windows 10 it gives you a number of options — click on Sign Out. Then sign in again. That sometimes fixes the problem.

If not, then you can try any of those below. There may be Windows updates available that will quickly resolve your problem.

You will get the Run window. If there any windows 10 home start button not working free download available you will see them. If so select the update. Install it then restart your computer and check the Start Menu. If it is now running as it should, then job done! If not, here are some other ways to resolve this problem. Some users of Windows have found that using Dropbox can lead to issues with their Windows button not working. However, because it is known to lead to Start Menu problems it would be wise to eliminate this as the problem first before resorting to the potential fixes below.

There is little point in going through all our suggestions only to find that Dropbox was the problem all along. So uninstall Dropbox and then restart your computer. Check the Start Menu, and if that is now running as it should, then you know the cause of your problem.

If the issue persists then go through each of the recommended fixes below. Once it has been cured, reinstall Dropbox. Windows 10 home start button not working free download will then see the menu to the above right.

Restart and test the Start button. This should normally get your Start Menu working. Then you must transfer your settings and all the files you want to retain to that account. Microsoft offers its own antivirus software and anti-malware applications. If you have also installed third-party software such as Norton, MacAfee, Kaspersky or any others, then these can lead to problems with your Windows 10 Start menu not working. Try switching the application off. Disable it, and then restart your computer.

You may find that your Start Menu works as normal. If it does so, then you are highly recommended to contact the vendor of the software and explain the issue with your Start menu not working Windows 10 correctly. They may be able to help with tweaks or a version more suitable to your OS or Windows version. If your Start Menu refuses to work properly, then there are other methods you can use to resolve the problem. The issue might be connected with corrupted Windows files.

The next method involves repairing these files. After the most recent Windows update, many people found their Windows 10 Start menu not working. You may be able to overcome this problem by reinstalling these drivers. Some people have got their Start menu back working again after doing this.

If not, then you will have to uninstall your driver and reinstall it with the new version. If you want to simply update all the drivers on your installation, which may be the simplest solution for you, windows 10 home start button not working free download you will need the Pro version of DriverEasy.

Microsoft is not unaware of the potential issues with the Start menu not working problem, particularly after the introduction of the Creators update of April and October ofknown as Redstone 2 and Redstone 3. Windows 10 home start button not working free download Spring update has been delayed, and Microsoft is sure to be aware of specific problems associated with the Creators update.

Simply click on the link to activate it. It will check the installation of the Start Menu and Cortana to ensure that they have been carried out correctly. The troubleshooter tests whether or not the registry key permissions are properly in place, and also checks for any corruptions in the databases and other critical areas of the files and registry.

Install the troubleshooter from the link above, and then establish whether or not it resolves your problem. If not, then you have to move on to our suggestions below. Go to the Powershell window as in the 1 section above. This is the same window you used to create a New User Account and to repair Windows files.

You will then see the command prompt, but in this case, enter the following text:. If Cortana and your Start Menu are still not working correctly, then we need to try something different. Instead of the coding above, enter the following after the command prompt:. This should get your computer working as it should. Restart your computer and should see the Start Menu working properly now. If you have tried the above and you still have issues, then this tip may help.

Many people have reported this to work for them when windows 10 home start button not working free download they had tried windows 10 home start button not working free download failed. With their Windows 10 start bar not working, many tried this final fix and reported that it worked for them.

If your Windows 10 start button is not working, then one of these fixes above will likely solve the problem. If your Windows 10 Start menu will not open, then there are steps you can take to correct it.

We have covered the main reasons of your Windows 10 Start menu not working and solutions that have proved to resolve this issue. Work through them in order, and you are practically certain to find the solution that works for you. You can pin websites to start using Chrome Browser. Pull up the website with Chrome. Click on settings in the right-hand corner of the window. Click shortcut.

When the shortcut appears on the Desktop, Right click on the shortcut, pin to start appears, and click. The windows 10 home start button not working free download appears on the start menu. Use as you wish, put it in a folder just like you did with Edge.

Go back and delete the icon from the desktop if you prefer. Edge is the problem, not Windows 10! The one with uninstalling the third-party anti-virus software worked I had installed Avast previously. Your email address will not be published. Skip to primary navigation Skip to main content Skip to footer. Check for Updates 2. Do You Use Dropbox 3. Create a New User Account 4.

Check for Third Party Antivirus Programs 5. Repair Windows Files 6. Microsoft Start Menu Troubleshooter 7. Check Windows File and Repair Them 8.

Edit the Windows Registry. See also. Sharing is Caring Share. Rajesh Namase. Rajesh Namase is a professional blogger and founder of TechLila blog. Also, he's a passionate entrepreneur, internet marketer, and fitness freak. Category Windows.

Windows 10 home start button not working free download.Fix problems with the Start menu

Restart Windows Explorer. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager. You may need to select More details at the bottom of the window to see everything. Scroll down to Windows Explorer, select it, then select Restart. The process may take a few seconds, and your taskbar and Start menu may not be visible while Windows Explorer restarts. Feb 08,  · Windows 10 start button not working Hello, I am using a windows 10 preview build, the most recent one. Feel free to get back to us for any further assistance. [Return] key. This will download files from Windows Update to replace the corrupt ones and, again, this may take some time. Report abuse Report abuse. Type of abuse. Harassment is.

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